At TomTom, I was part of a team responsible for improving the user experience of the website. We used A/B testing to validate our ideas and measure the impact of our changes.
Before making any changes, we have to find out what needs improvement.
Based on a poll on our website, it was discovered that a significant number of users were having difficulty updating their device. The problem was primarily attributed to two main factors:
1. Log-in barrier
The best option to direct the user towards the updating path that's relevant to them is to log-in. However the transition from their landing page to the login screen was abrupt and not intuitive. A significant amount of users would try to find another way to update or give up entirely.
2. Disparate Landing Pages
Users searching for the update feature were landing on different pages, namely the homepage, shop, and the "How to update" support page. This inconsistency made it challenging for users to find the update option they needed.
To address the problem, the following solutions were proposed:
1. Add a "Login to Update" button
A "Login to Update" button was added to both the shop and support pages. By placing this button prominently on these pages, users could easily locate the update feature and were informed of the necessity of login-in to update their device.
2. Prominence on the front page
To further improve discoverability, the device update option was given more prominence on the front page. Careful consideration was given to ensure that this change did not negatively impact clicks or sales on other important items on the website.
3. Red Badge in the main menu
A red badge was added to the update menu for users already logged-in. This badge served as a visual cue for users, drawing their attention to the relevant update option and encouraging them to take action.
The solutions were A/B tested individually and implemented. They led to notable improvements in the user experience of our website. More users logged-in to update their device and fewer strayed from the happy path.